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Letters-to-the-Editor 2024

Scroll down to read these letters-to-the-editor:

1.  Janet Thomas, East Bay Times, August 22, 2024, and Lamorinda Weekly, August 28, 2024

2.  Erling Horn, East Bay Times, September 8, 2024

3.  Kathy Bowles, Lamorinda Weekly, September 11, 2024

4.  Patricia Curtin, Lamorinda Weekly, September 11, 2024

5.  Jennifer Russell, Lamorinda Weekly, September 11, 2024

6.  Erling Horn, Lamorinda Weekly, September 11, 2024

7.  Jennifer Russell, East Bay Times, September 11, 2024

8.  Yukie Fujimoto, Lamorinda Weekly, September 25, 2024

9.  Wei-Tai Kwok, Lamorinda Weekly, September 25, 2024

10.  Suzy Pak, Lamorinda Weekly, September 25, 2024

11.  Will Lovitt, Lamorinda Weekly, September 25, 2024

12.  Kathy Merchant, Lamorinda Weekly, September 25, 2024

13.  Susan Price Callister, Lamorinda Weekly, September 25, 2024


1.  Janet Thomas, East Bay Times, August 22, 2024, and Lamorinda Weekly, August 28, 2024

As a 40-year resident of Lafayette, I urge voters to re-elect Carl Anduri to the Lafayette City Council this November.  Carl continues to demonstrate talents that make him an effective community advocate and problem solver.  Not only is Carl intelligent and hard working, but he is thoughtful, ethical and fiscally responsible.

I have witnessed Carl's impressive and balanced leadership qualities while serving with him on Lafayette's Environmental Task Force and observed his work on the City Council and as mayor.  I am particularly impressed with Carl's careful, responsible, inclusive approach to all problems, his excellent organizational skills, extensive background knowledge and clear and thoughtful communication skills.  For decades, he has demonstrated a clear commitment to Lafayette and a forward-looking vision. 

We are lucky that Carl Anduri has again agreed to serve our community by running for re-election.  I look forward to benefiting from his experienced judgment and leadership for years to come.

Janet Thomas, 40 year resident of Lafayette


2.  Erling Horn, East Bay Times, September 8, 2024

I invite Lafayette citizens to join me in voting for Carl Anduri for the City Council.

Carl has served Lafayette in many ways:  planning commissioner, City Council member and mayor.

Those volunteer activities have given him a depth of experience, knowledge and understanding so valuable to Lafayette as it faces new challenges in implementing state-mandated housing and zoning rules.

Carl will continue to support our ridge lines and open spaces.  He will continue to support our schools and library.  He will continue to make our town more pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly.  He will continue to mitigate wildfire risk.

Finally, Carl is a careful listener who will show respect for others and considers all viewpoints before making a decision.

Erling Horn, Lafayette


3.  Kathy Bowles, Lamorinda Weekly, September 11, 2024


I hope you will join me in supporting incumbent Carl Anduri for Lafayette's City Council on Nov. 5.  Carl has worked tirelessly on behalf of our community, believing in the importance of creating a vibrant, lively downtown that brings together all the demographics that make up our city.  He is passionate about arts and culture and how we, as a city, can promote and provide a wide variety of artistic experiences for all.

Carl is a dedicated and experienced council member, serving from 2002-2012 and from 2020 to the present.  I firmly believe that institutional memory is a critical component to sound governance.  Because of Carl's length of volunteer service, he has been through several economic cycles, has an understanding and knowledge of the history of Lafayette, and has a record of coming up with ideas that look to our future.  He is a consensus builder and works to find solutions.

I have known Carl for over 20 years and for the last four have had the pleasure of working closely with him in his role as council liaison to the Park Theater Renovation effort and the Public Art Committee.  Carl is responsive, making himself available for last minute meetings and calls.  He is naturally curious, loves to do research on the smallest of topics, and as a result, always comes prepared with questions, suggestions and a listening ear.  I value his opinion and advice.  Carl is a well-qualified candidate for the city council seat.

Please VOTE on November 5!

Kathy Bowles, Lafayette


4.  Patricia Curtin, Lamorinda Weekly, September 11, 2024

We have a lot of choices on candidates this November.  One sure and secure candidate we can all get behind is Carl Anduri.  I strongly encourage you to vote for Carl so he can continue his great work in preserving, while enhancing, our beautiful City of Lafayette.  Carl has served on numerous City task forces, committees, the Planning Commission, and several terms on the City Council.  He truly understands how our City works which allows him to be effective and responsive to our needs and desires.

I've known Carl for years and served as a Planning Commissioner when he served on the Council.  He is intelligent, impartial, and willing to listen to and address the concerns of the community.  He has shown his dedication to our City through his community service and during his tenure on the Council.  Re-electing Carl will allow us to continue to be the benefactors of his dedication and hard work.

Please join me in re-electing Carl.

Patricia Curtin, Lafayette


5.  Jennifer Russell, Lamorinda Weekly, September 11, 2024

I am very pleased to endorse Carl Anduri for re-election to Lafayette's City Council.  During my 37 year career with the City of Lafayette, I attended a great number of City Council meetings and was able to observe and interact with many council members (some more memorable than others).  One of the stand outs for me was Council Member Anduri.

During his time on the council, there have been numerous controversial topics before him.  He consistently comes prepared to each meeting in order to thoughtfully and effectively discuss the matters at hand.  His composure and respectful bearing are very much appreciated by his fellow council members, business leaders, the public and staff.  The City of Lafayette is very fortunate to have such an accomplished council member who is willing to continue to give his time and expertise as a city council member.


Jennifer Russell, Former City of Lafayette Parks, Trails and Recreation Director


6.  Erling Horn, Lamorinda Weekly, September 11, 2024

I invite my fellow Lafayette citizens to join me in voting for Carl Anduri for our City Council.

Carl has served Lafayette in many ways:  as a planning commissioner, as a city council member, and as mayor.  These volunteer activities have given him a depth of experience, knowledge and understanding so valuable to Lafayette as it faces new challenges in implementing State-mandated housing and zoning rules in a way that complements our retail and commercial businesses while providing additional housing in that district.

Carl will continue to work for additional parks and parking in our downtown.  He will continue to keep development off our ridge lines and out of our open spaces.  He will continue to support our schools and library.  He will continue to make our town more pedestrian and bicycle friendly.  He will continue to mitigate wildfire risk.

Finally, Carl is a careful listener who shows respect for others and who considers all viewpoints before making a decision.

Learn more about Carl by going to his web page:

I ask you to vote for Carl Anduri who was once a 5th grade public school teacher.

Erling Horn, Lafayette


7.  Jennifer Russell, East Bay Times, September 11, 2024

I am very pleased to endorse Carl Anduri for reelection to Lafayette's City Council.

During my 37year career with the city of Lafayette, I attended a great number of City Council meetings and observed and interacted with many councilmembers.  One of the stand-outs for me was Anduri.

During his time on the council, there have been numerous controversial topics before him.  He consistently comes prepared for each meeting in order to thoughtfully and effectively discuss the matters at hand.  His composure and respectful bearing are very much appreciated by his fellow councilmembers, business leaders, the public and staff.

The city of Lafayette is very fortunate to have such an accomplished councilmember who is willing to continue to give his time and expertise.

Jennifer Russell, Walnut Creek


8.  Yukie Fujimoto, Lamorinda Weekly, September 25, 2024

As a member of the Lafayette Public Art Committee, I have had the pleasure of working closely with former Mayor and current City Council member, Carl Anduri.  He has demonstrated over the years a deep understanding of or city's needs and challenges.  He has been instrumental in building an inviting and vibrant downtown Lafayette.  A proactive and thoughtful collaborator, he worked tirelessly to get the utility box wrap project and the city mural arts project off the ground.  I have often watched him listen intently through an entire meeting and only at the end, gently reveal his depth of knowledge around systems, procedures and orderly compliance.  His willingness to listen to the voices of concerned citizens has made a tangible difference in our community's quality of life.  He has shown a genuine commitment to inclusivity by advocating for our marginalized families.  A dedicated leader with integrity and passion, his years of experience and vision will be vital for our city's progress.  Please re-elect City Council member, Carl Anduri.

Yuki Fujimoto, Lafayette


9.  Wei-Tai Kwok, Lamorinda Weekly, September 25, 2024

Although I will not be running for re-election to the Lafayette City Council, I endorse the following individuals whose diverse expertise will combine into an effective governing body for our city:

Mayor Gina Dawson has been a strong and caring leader, constantly thinking about what is best for residents of Lafayette.  Open-minded, thoughtful and collaborative, she has championed community safety and the financial sustainability of our city.

Carl Anduri is our most experienced legislator, serving three times as Mayor during 14 years on Council since 2002.  A retired attorney, Councilmember Anduri has been a role model in his professionalism, preparation and ability to listen carefully and synthesize complex issues.

John McCormick owns a local music store, is past President of the Chamber of Commerce, and volunteers for several non-profits.  Lafayette recognized him as one of our shining stars in 2022 as Businessperson of the Year.  He brings strong analytical ability and a deep interest in Lafayette's history and its future.

Jim Cervantes brings a 34-year career in helping California cities with their public financing programs.  He has volunteered in city, county and statewide roles, most recently chairing our General Plan Advisory Committee to chart Lafayette's future.

Wei-Tai Kwok (he/him), Lafayette


10.  Suzy Pak, Lamorinda Weekly, September 25, 2024

Lafayette thrives on civic engagement, and Carl Anduri's dedication to our community has been exemplary.  His continued leadership is vital for ensuring that Lafayette remains a supportive and inclusive city for all residents.

Carl has been a staunch advocate for programs and services that help older adults remain in their homes.  His involvement in the task force that planned, secured approvals, and obtained financing for our most recent independent, affordable, senior housing is a testament to his commitment to enhancing the quality of life for our senior community.  This initiative has provided a crucial housing option for seniors who wish to live in Lafayette, and many lives have been improved considerably as a result.

Carl played a key role in fostering collaboration between the City, Senior Services Commission, and Lamorinda Village, resulting in a partnership that has significantly bolstered the support network available to older residents.  Bridging gaps and creating synergies between these organizations, Carl helped to ensure that Lafayette's seniors have access to a comprehensive range of services, from social activities to essential support services.

Re-elect Carl Anduri for Lafayette City Council and support his ongoing efforts to make Lafayette a better place for everyone, especially our valued seniors.

Suzy Pak, Lafayette


11.  Will Lovitt, Lamorinda Weekly, September 24, 2024

Four years ago I wrote, "As a former Planning Commissioner and City Councilperson, Carl has been a highly respected member of our community for years.  In brief, he sets the standard for the ethics, attention, knowledge, and outlook required to be effective."  At the time, none of us knew how difficult conditions would become.

Local government is paradoxically the most complex level of government.  It has to comply with Federal and State laws while satisfying citizen requirements and demands in the most open and publicly accessible environment.  Substantial changes in State zoning laws required a fundamental reversal in how our city has been planned and developed.  Carl's leadership in this highly pressured and controversial environment proved essential.  Now it has to be implemented.

Please see

Will Lovitt, former Lafayette Planning Commissioner and Chair


12.  Kathy Merchant, Lamorinda Weekly, September 24, 2025

I support Carl Anduri for City Council because he has given Lafayette decades of calm, intelligent, visionary leadership.  A few highlights of his many community service roles include ten years (2002-2012) and then another recent four years on City Council, twice as Mayor.  He served for five years as Commissioner and twice Chair of the Planning Commission.  His early service years include several crucial task forces -- Open Space, Hillside, Environmental, and Senior Housing.  His career as a partner in a leading SF law firm focused on national and international finance, a key knowledge base for managing our City's balanced budget.  What an incredible background to lead our City.

In these times of change and sometimes tense conversations, Carl's skills as a careful and inclusive listener, and his steadfast focus on understanding diverse perspectives, careful study of the history and facts behind an issue have always grounded his decision making.  After decades as a Lafayette resident, Carl's optimism about our community will provide a healthy foundation for the next decade.  Yes on Carl!

Kathy Merchant, Orinda


13.  Susan Price Callister,  Lamorinda Weekly, September 24, 2025

Lafayette's Carl Anduri grew up in the San Joaquin Valley, attended Stanford, went to Yale Law School, taught school for a year and then...

Well then he married Sharon Woodnutt Anduri, a Lafayette resident who attended K-12 schools here.  Nice move Carl!  But he became even smarter after that -- he moved to Lafayette with Sharon and they raised their two girls here.

Besides working at a San Francisco law firm, he decided to volunteer in town, including our Planning Commission and the City Council.  Carl has a gift for understanding how our City works and is governed.  He understands how California's Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) works with respect to projects brought before the City Council.  Carl carefully studies both sides of an issue whether it be a local permit application or something coming down from our State and helps guide it to a fair conclusion.

Over the past four years we have had several "matters" coming from the State regarding housing.  Many of you have been gathering and studying the issues and presenting your results to the City Counsel.  Carl has been a knowledgeable, important and constant figure on our City Council.  We need to maintain our downtown and neighborhoods while complying with these new State mandates.

I have been a teacher and am a lawyer.  Carl is someone I would have liked to have worked with in both areas.  His performance on the Planning Commission and on the City Council have been a true gift to our City.  Carl Anduri should continue to serve on the City Council.

He definitely has my vote and I urge you to vote for Carl Anduri for City Council.


Susan Price Callister, Lafayette



Scroll down to read these letters-to-the-editor written when Carl ran in 2020:

  1.  Janet Thomas, Lamorinda Weekly, August 19, 2020
  2.  Judy Garvens, Lamorinda Weekly, September 2, 2020
  3.  Patricia Curtin, Lamorinda Weekly, September 2, 2020
  4.  Carol Murota, East Bay Times, September 3, 2020
  5.  Erling Horn, East Bay Times, September 9, 2020
  6.  Donn Walklet, Lamorinda Weekly, September 16, 2020
  7.  Will Lovitt, Lamorinda Weekly, September 16, 2020
  8.  Erling Horn, Lamorinda Weekly, September 16, 2020
  9.  Teresa Gerringer, East Bay Times, September 16, 2020
  10.  Karen Maggio, East Bay Times, September 23, 2020
  11.  Mike Anderson, Lamorinda Weekly, September 30, 2020
  12.  Susan Price Callister, Lamorinda Weekly, September 30, 2020
  13.  Karen Maggio, Lamorinda Weekly, September 30, 2020
  14.  Janet Thomas, East Bay Times, October 2, 2020
  15.  Mei Sun Li, Lamorinda Weekly, October 14, 2020
  16. Budd MacKenzie, Lamorinda Weekly, October 14, 2020
  17.  Carol Federighi, Lamorinda Weekly, October 14, 2020
  18.  Kathy Merchant, Lamorinda Weekly, October 14, 2020
  19.  Teresa Gerringer, Lamorinda Weekly, October 28, 2020
  20.  Anne Grodin, Lamorinda Weekly, October 28, 2020
  21.  Mary McCosker, Lamorinda Weekly, October 28, 2020
  22.  Carol Singer, Lamorinda Weekly, October 28, 2020
  23.  Frank M. Tinley, Lamorinda Weekly, October 28, 2020
  24.  Larry Blodgett, Lamorinda Weekly, October 28, 2020
  25.  Bill Bucher, Lamorinda Weekly, October 28, 2020


  1. Janet Thomas, Lamorinda Weekly, August 19, 2020

Dear Lafayette Community,

I encourage you to vote for Carl Anduri for City Council in the upcoming election, and I am writing to let you know why I think Lafayette would benefit from his leadership. I have deep admiration for Carl.  Some of you who have recently moved to our City may not be aware that he has a proven and well-respected record as both City Councilmember and Mayor of Lafayette. For ten years, from 2002-2012, Carl served on the Lafayette City Council. He was Mayor in 2005 and 2011. Prior to that time, he served six years on the Lafayette Planning Commission. Carl retired from the City Council when the demands of his job – being president of a global network of law firms – increased. He has recently retired, and is willing to again commit his time and tremendous skills to help guide our community.

Carl has many assets. Among them are his thoughtful, balanced approach to problem-solving. He listens to all sides, takes great time in researching issues and is clear and respectful in his communication. He has proven to be fiscally responsible. He cares about people, the community and our wonderful rich environment, and is open to new ideas. In 2004, as Chairperson of the Acalanes HS Science Department, I was granted funding by LASF (now LPIE) to create an Environmental Science program. Students in the newly created course wanted to become more involved in local policy. Carl came to my classroom and met with students, where they discussed creating a Climate Action Plan for Lafayette. This meeting led to the creation of an Environmental Task Force, which exists to this day to help guide City policy.

During the next few years, Lafayette will create a new General Plan. And during this time of pandemic, we will be faced with unforeseen challenges as a community. I will miss the tremendous service of Mike Anderson and Steven Bliss, who have recently decided to step down as councilmembers, and am grateful to Carl for offering to step back into City leadership.


Janet Thomas


2.  Judy Garvens, Lamorinda Weekly, September 2, 2020

In these challenging times the City of Lafayette is fortunate to have a person with Carl's skills and experience willing to once again serve our City as a member of the City Council.  I say "once again" because it is rare that one of our citizens, having retired from public office, is willing to do it again!  Carl has already served on the Council for 10 years 2002-2012.  He was Mayor in 2005 and 2011.

He recently retired as president of a global network of law firms.  Thank you, Carl for returning to city government.  I first met Carl when I was Mayor.  We recognized early on that he was a very thoughtful problem solver.  He listens carefully and respectfully.  Recognizing his many skills, we wisely appointed him to serve on the Planning Commission.  Subsequently he was elected to Council.  Now he returns to us having added years of experience to his impressive skill set.  He knows our community very well.  Our citizens appreciate that Carl listens to all sides of an issue and communicates his insights clearly.  He loves Lafayette.

I encourage you to join me in voting for Carl Anduri for Lafayette City Council

Judy Garvens, former mayor of Lafayette


3.  Patricia Curtin, Lamorinda Weekly, September 2, 2020

I urge you to vote for Carl Anduri for Lafayette City Council.  Carl and his family moved to Lafayette in 1980.  Carl is experienced in city government and has the knowledge and compassion to effectively represent us.  He has been actively involved in our community for years and served on several task forces, the Planning Commission and the City Council.  Carl has the experience and proven track record to lead our community.

As a former Planning Commissioner, I believe it is important for a Council member candidate to have served on the Planning Commission.  In this capacity, one truly hears and learns the development concerns and positions of many of our residents.  It is through this experience a council candidate can understand how our residents vision growth for our city.  Also, as a Planning Commissioner, one becomes well versed in the planning and land use documents that guide the future growth of our city.  Having this background is important since a large portion of the Council's role is to make decisions on how our City will or will not develop.  Carl has the experience and ability to balance the growth needs of our community, protect our hillsides, expand open spaces and create a vibrant, pedestrian friendly downtown.

Carl is respectful, honest, experienced, hardworking, reasonable, a thoughtful leader, and he LOVES Lafayette.  These are all the necessary qualifications for an effective Council member.  Please vote for Carl in November.

Patricia Curtin, Lafayette resident for 32 years; Former Planning Commissioner


4.  Carol Murota, East Bay Times, September 3, 2020

Please vote for Carl Anduri for Lafayette City Council.  Responsible governance is decision-making in the face of differing local pressures and state laws.  This requires balancing diverse community voices against the inevitable pressures of housing needs and job creation.

Carl previously served on our City Council for 10 years, he understands why we value our intimate community framed by ridgelines and parkland, with access to vibrant urban centers.  He is committed to preserving what makes Lafayette special and understands Lafayette cannot and should not stand still.

Difficult negotiations lie ahead.  We need Carl's creative thinking to proactively balance state laws and local needs.  His 19 years as president of an international association of law firms attest to his respectful listening and carefully considered decision-making.

We need Carl's calm analytic thinking and deep concern for this city that we all love.  Please vote for Carl Anduri for City Council.

Carol Murota, Lafayette


5.  Erling Horn, East Bay Times, September 9, 2020

Carl and I served together on the Lafayette City Council from 2002 through 2004.  Prior to that, Carl served on our Planning Commission for five years, where he studied and focused on complex land-use laws, regulations and policies.  He took this commitment to detail and applied it to the many issues faced by the City Council.

At public meetings, I witnessed Carl's ability to explain complex policies and laws and how they applied to issues at hand.  His insights made it easier for the public to understand the city's position.

As a reelected Lafayette City Council member, Carl will bring experience, proven leadership, fiscal prudence, competent judgment, integrity and an open mind that will consider all points of view.  I urge you to vote for Carl Anduri.

Erling Horn, Former Lafayette City Councilman, Lafayette


 6.  Donn Walklet, Lamorinda Weekly, September 16, 2020

I have lived in the town of Lafayette for almost twenty-two years.  When I first moved her in 1998 from Los Altos on the Peninsula, I was impressed how well the town was run as it evolved from a sleepy suburban community to much more cosmopolitan mecca for the commuters from San Francisco.  The town was beginning to face the challenges of growth even back then, but the City Council and city staff seemed to meet that challenge.  Growing pains existed, particularly in regards to land use and limited financial resources, but the council was diligent in sorting out options and strategies.  It had then and continues to have one of the best fiscal reputations in the state.

 Carl Anduri was a leader and source of stability and wisdom through this challenging process.  He served as mayor on more than one occasion where his legal experience and negotiating skills were invaluable in sorting through many knotty meetings between citizens with different perspectives.  He handled these situations with tact and firmness necessary to make forward progress and ultimately to reach decisions.

Lafayette again is facing challenges from growth, and the Council will benefit from Carl's experience.  He is well known by the present Council and will pick-up where he left off.  His reputation speaks for itself.

Donn Walklet, Lafayette


7.  Will Lovitt, Lamorinda Weekly, September 16, 2020

As a former Planning Commissioner and City Councilperson, Carl has been a highly respected member of our community for years.  In brief, he sets the standard for the ethics, attention, knowledge, and outlook required to be effective.

Carl was co-chair of our Senior Housing Task Force.  The task, facilitating the development of low income senior housing in Lafayette, involved researching potential sites downtown, selection of a nonprofit senior housing development partner, and meeting the City's ordinances.  Efficiently completed, it was the ONLY 100% affordable housing project to be built in Lafayette in the last 30 years.  Carl's leadership was critical in that process as we successfully blended planning requirements with design, costs and financing. 

Lafayette faces continuing planning challenges to meet local and external requirements.  Carl's knowledge and experience in planning and on the Council are needed.

For more information:

Will Lovitt, Former Chair, Planning Commission, Lafayette


8.  Erling Horn, Lamorinda Weekly, September 16, 2020

 Carl and I served together on the Lafayette City Council from 2002 through 2004.  Prior to that, Carl served on our Planning Commission for five years, where he studied and focused on complex, land-use laws, regulations and policies.  He took this commitment to detail and applied it to the many issues faced by the City Council.  Carl's other committee work, which focused on housing, roads and hillside development, gave him further insight into community concerns.

At public meetings, I witnessed Carl's ability to explain complex policies and laws and how they applied to issues at hand.  His insights made it easier for the public to understand the City's position.  A careful listener, Carl always showed respect for all speakers' viewpoints.

As a re-elected Lafayette City Council member, Carl will bring experience, proven leadership, fiscal prudence, competent judgment, integrity and an open mind that will consider all points of view.  I urge you to vote for Carl Anduri, who was once a fifth grade public school teacher.

Erling Horn, Former Mayor, Lafayette


9.  Teresa Gerringer, East Bay Times, September 16, 2020

Carl Anduri has my vote for Lafayette City Council.  He possesses the qualities and experience to be an effective, forward-looking and collaborative leader.

Carl has a passion for Lafayette, and the desire to build upon what makes it a great place to live and work.  He has a vision for Lafayette and the humility and understanding to know that he works for all Lafayette residents.

Carl is a lifelong learner and an active listener who is open to having his ideas challenged.  He will listen respectfully and weigh differing opinions when making decisions.

Ultimately, his vote will be based on the best interests of the city and its residents, while respecting the law, and city ordinances and policies.

Carl has the humility, confidence, drive and determination to be of service and continue to make a difference in our community.

Please join me in voting for Carl Anduri for Lafayette City Council.

Teresa Gerringer, Councilmember, Lafayette


10.  Karen Maggio, East Bay Times, September 23, 2020

In November we will elect three members of our community to the Lafayette City Council.

To build a strong council we need a variety of skill sets that complement each member and meet the demands of our time.  Carl Anduri possesses deep planning and City Council experience that is much needed after Mike Anderson's departure.  He is a thoughtful problem-solver with an experienced legal mind who can provide guidance on tricky issues.

As a city, we face unprecedented legislation that has and can continue to limit our ability as citizens to control our zoning and development.  Carl will provide strong leadership that encourages working together over expensive litigation.

Please join me in voting for Carl Anduri for Lafayette City Council.

Karen Maggio, Planning Commissioner, Lafayette


11.  Mike Anderson, Lamorinda Weekly, September 30, 2020

Please vote for Carl Anduri for Lafayette City Council.

These are challenging times for our City, making the need for councilmembers with experience, skill, and proven leadership essential to implementing initiatives that will truly benefit our community.  Carl has made complex land use decisions for us for sixteen years, championed the development of a 100% affordable housing project, led us through a recession, showed the way to improving our deteriorated residential roads, launched the City's response to climate change, drafted the ordinance that made it easier for our houses of worship to assist homeless families and led the City's effort that added ridgeline open space.

I am confident that Carl will continue to inspire and implement what is best for the City, and that he is the right person for Lafayette's future.  I served with Carl on the Planning Commission for two years and then on the City Council for eight, and the qualitied I observed first hand -- his collaborative style of leadership, careful listening, analytical abilities, respect for all and competence to get things done -- are what we need now.

For Lafayette's future:  Experience, leadership and civility are essential.  Please join me in voting for Carl Anduri for Lafayette City Council.

Mike Anderson, Mayor, City of Lafayette


12.  Susan Price Callister, Lamorinda Weekly, September 30, 2020

Please vote for Carl Anduri for Lafayette City Council.

We are in difficult times and I am afraid this will probably continue.  I would feel much better if we elect a councilmember who has demonstrated he can solve problems and provide leadership.  Carl's problem solving and proven leadership abilities will be supported by his unmatched knowledge of our community - from the neighborhoods to our downtown.  By his work with the City Council, Carl demonstrated his ability to get things done!  I feel fortunate that Carl wants to bring this knowledge back to the Council and put it to work for us.  Carl will also add another critical dimension to the Council.  Perhaps I am biased because I am an attorney, but I believe Carl's legal skills and judgment were a great benefit in the past and will be again.  Experience brings knowledge.

Please vote for Carl Anduri for City Council -- a proven leader.

Susan Price Callister, Lafayette


13.  Karen Maggio, Lamorinda Weekly, September 30, 2020

 Carl Anduri possesses deep planning and city council experience that is much needed after Mike Anderson's departure.  He is a thoughtful problem solver with an experienced legal mind who can provide guidance on tricky issues.  As a city, we face unprecedented legislation that has and can continue to limit our ability as citizens to control our zoning and development.  Carl will provide strong leadership that encourages working together over expensive litigation.

Karen J. Maggio, Planning Commissioner, Former Sustainable Lafayette Board Member


14.  Janet Thomas, East Bay Times, October 2, 2020

   Lafayette is lucky to have very talented individuals running for City Council.  I know two of those candidates, Carl Anduri and Gina Dawson, fairly well and encourage you to vote for them.

   Carl was a successful, well-respected member of the Planning Commission and then the City Council over a period spanning 15 years.

   He stepped down to devote time to his demanding job as president of a worldwide association of law firms.

   Having retired recently, he is able to rejoin the council with his invaluable experience at a time when two members are stepping down.

   Gina is an extremely bright, diligent, capable person.  She has shown in many projects she's undertaken for the community that she is a born leader.

   She listens well and is thoughtful and considerate.

   She is passionate about making Lafayette a city that is sustainable for generations to come.

   Both Carl and Gina would serve Lafayette well.

Janet Thomas, Lafayette


15.  Mei Sun Li, Lamorinda Weekly, October 14, 2020

 It is with immense gratitude that I again see Carl Anduri's name on our City Council ballot.  It is obvious that, unlike most of us ordinary folks, Carl thrives on knotty challenges.  His ability to arrive at healing compromise is historic and exactly what Lafayette needs as our community faces a unique era impacting our personal health, economy, and our sense of moral wellbeing.

Mei Sun Li, Former City of Lafayette Senior Services Manager, originator of the Lafayette Spirit Van program, and 44 year resident of Lafayette


16.  Budd MacKenzie, Lamorinda Weekly, October 14, 2020

   Seventeen years ago I attended a Lafayette city council meeting seeking a proclamation approving an effort by Lafayette residents to raise funds needed to build a school in Afghanistan that girls could attend.  I was not seeking funds nor help from the city, simply the council's support.  Some questioned why we should help people living in Afghanistan.  The request was continued to another meeting.  Several days later I asked the clerk to drop my request from the calendar.  I certainly didn't need more stress in my life and frankly didn't care whether they approved or not.  Upon learning it was being dropped, Carl Anduri called urging me to leave it on the calendar.  He knew then what I didn't.  The issue of whether we should care about the welfare of others wherever they live was worth debating.  The motion passed four to one.  Since then both Carl and his wife, Sharon, have, along with hundreds in Lamorinda, actively supported our work in Afghanistan.  We need more compassionate and caring leaders willing to stand up for what's right.  Carl proved then and over the years that he is one.  He will have my vote.

Budd MacKenzie, Trust in Education, Lafayette


17.  Carol Federighi, Lamorinda Weekly, October 14, 2020

    I am writing to urge all Lafayette voters to cast a vote for Carl Anduri for the Lafayette City Council.  Carl has the background, experience, and temperament we need.

   I had the pleasure not only of serving ten years with Carl on the City Council from 2002 to 2012 but also serving four years with Carl on the Planning Commission.  Carl listened and was always prepared, thoughtful, collegial and civil.

   In addition to the Planning Commission and City Council, Carl gave his time to numerous committees, including the Hillside, Open Space, Environmental, Senior Housing, Park Theater and Roads task forces.

   Despite choosing not to run for re-election in 2012 due to the demands of his legal career, he has continued to follow city issues and, as he is now retired, is eager to serve us on the Council again.  We are fortunate to have a person of his caliber running.  Vote for Carl Anduri for City Council!

Carol Federighi, Past Mayor, Lafayette


18.  Kathy Merchant, Lamorinda Weekly, October 14, 2020

Vision, Integrity, Reason, Calm, Civility, Collaboration...these are the attributes Carl Anduri will bring to the Council.  As we've seen in his past service, Carl will be a voice for all Lafayette...every neighborhood's concerns, listening openly to all perspectives.  Carl's ability to approach complex issues with balance, an open mind and fiscal integrity has been proven by his long history of civic leadership.  His extensive career as an attorney will help ground Council decisions on a fact-based, sustainable footing.  His legal experience will be invaluable when navigating complicated legislative initiatives in the Sacramento pipeline.  I can't recall a time, in all my years in Lafayette, when the need for grace, quiet intelligence, historical perspective combined with innovative thinking has been more essential.  Times are changing, communities are transforming and changing to meet these times, the diversity of the population is, and should be, changing.  Lafayette needs Carl's voice at the table, and for this reason I am proud to endorse his candidacy.

Kathy Merchant, Lafayette resident for 36 years


19.  Teresa Gerringer, Lamorinda Weekly, October 28, 2020

   Carl Anduri has my vote for Lafayette City Council because he possesses the qualities and experience to be an effective, forward-looking, and collaborative leader.  Carl has a passion for Lafayette, and a deep desire to build upon what makes it a great place to live and work.

   He has a vision for the future of Lafayette and the humility and understanding to know that he works for all Lafayette residents.  He will represent and listen to the input of the entire community, his colleagues and staff.

   Carl is a lifelong learner, an active listener, and open to having his ideas, biases, and prejudices challenged.  He will listen respectfully and weigh differing opinions when making decisions.  Carl will always make decisions based on what's best for the community.

    Ultimately, his vote will be based on the best interests of the city and its residents, while respecting the law, city ordinances, policies and council protocols.

   Carl has the humility, confidence, drive, and determination to be of service and continue to make a difference in our community.  Please join me in voting for Carl Anduri, Lafayette City Council.

Teresa Gerringer, Lafayette


20.  Anne Grodin, Lamorinda Weekly, October 28, 2020

   Carl Anduri will be an excellent addition to the Lafayette City Council.  As a former Mayor and City Councilmember, he has already shown his invaluable skills in the recent past.  Unable to run again for another term in 2012 due to work demands, he is now retired and anxious to return to service for Lafayette.

   He feels strongly about safeguarding the character of our neighborhoods and the semi-rural nature of our community, protecting our hillsides and open space.  His past experience on the Planning Commission and legal experience will be important in dealing with the new state mandates.  He has a clear vision of development for making our downtown vibrant and pedestrian friendly, as well as pursuing development of appropriate housing in our central corridor.

   He is fair minded, and a good listener with strong leadership abilities.  As a former Mayor I urge you to vote for Carl.  More than ever we need Carl Anduri on the Lafayette City Council.

Anne Grodin, Former Mayor


21.  Mary McCosker, Lamorinda Weekly, October 28, 2020

   I am writing to urge a vote for Carl Anduri for Lafayette City Council.  Carl has served Lafayette and its citizens as a member of the Planning Commission, a member of several City task forces, and as a member of the Lafayette City Council for ten years, serving twice as our Mayor.  His previous experience will serve Lafayette well in the next four years as issues such as development, sustainability, traffic and parking, and financial management continue to be addressed.  The Lafayette General Plan is due to be updated in the next five years so Carl's experience, expertise and vision will be invaluable.

Mary McCosker, Lafayette

22.  Carol Singer, Lamorinda Weekly, October 28, 2020

    As a long time Commissioner on Lafayette's Parks, Trails and Recreation Commission, I am supporting Carl Anduri for the Lafayette City Council.  Carl stands out among the candidates as by far the most knowledgeable and experienced candidate when it comes to our community's parks, trails, recreation and open space needs.  When he was previously on the Council, Carl served as one of the liaisons to the PTR Commission and served on the Open Space Task Force.

   I am supporting Carl not only for his knowledge and experience, but because he has the vision, temperament, collaborative spirit and character to put that knowledge and experience to work to get things done for the benefit of all of us.

   Please join me in voting for Carl Anduri.

Carol Singer, Commissioner, Lafayette Parks, Trails & Recreation Commission


23.  Frank M. Tinley, Lamorinda Weekly, October 28, 2020

   Please vote for Carl Anduri for Lafayette City Council.  He is the candidate with the most experience that can lead our community.  We need someone with knowledge about our city and one who has shown investment in our community by serving on countless committees, the planning commission and previously the city council.

   I am 25 years old and was raised in Lafayette and went to Lafayette schools.  Because of the housing policies backed by Mr. Anduri, I am now able to live in Lafayette and be a part of the community I was raised in.  Thank you Mr. Anduri!  I ask that you vote for him so more young people and especially my friends I grew up with can afford to live in our community.

Frank M. Tinley, Lafayette


24.  Larry Blodgett, Lamorinda Weekly, October 28, 2020

   The City of Lafayette and its citizens have faced many challenges over the past decade with more challenges to come in the coming years.  The pressures from Sacramento, especially when it comes to growth, has driven a wedge in our community.  It is critical to have a council member who has the historical perspective and served our City during an unprecedented time of planned growth as a council member & planning commissioner, the obvious choice is Carl Anduri.

   With the departure of council member Mike Anderson, Lafayette's senior most Council Member, Lafayette will lose the historical perspective which Carl can provide serving on the Council.

   As a long-time Lafayette resident, Carl has seen the evolution of our City as a Planning Commissioner from 1997-2002 and Council Member from 2002-2012.  Carl has the historical perspective our City needs to lead us through the complex land-use and fiscal challenges our City faces now and into the future.

   I strongly support Carl Anduri for Lafayette City Council.

   Larry Blodgett, Lafayette


25.  Bill Bucher, Lamorinda Weekly, October 28, 2020

   Please join me in supporting the selection of Carl Anduri for Lafayette City Council.  Carl previously served on the City Council and was Mayor for several years.  He provided a calm demeanor and level-headed approach when working with residents, City Council Members and City staff.  He has a great understanding of the issues facing our city and he would be a welcome addition to our City Council.

   Please vote for Carl!

Bill Bucher, Lafayette

Paid for by Anduri for Lafayette City Council 2024, FPPC#: 1473247
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